How to update php in wordpress

How to update php in wordpress

WordPress is a powerful platform for building websites, but its functionality relies on an underlying technology: PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). Keeping your PHP version up-to-date is crucial for security, performance, and compatibility with newer WordPress features. But how do you update PHP in WordPress without causing disruptions? Here’s a comprehensive guide to ensure a smooth and successful update process:

1. Check Your Current PHP Version

Before updating, it’s essential to know your current PHP version. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Tools > Site Health, and then click on the Info tab. Under the Server section, you’ll find the PHP version listed.

2. Why Update? Benefits of a Newer PHP Version

Newer PHP versions offer numerous advantages:

  • Enhanced Security: They often contain critical security patches to address vulnerabilities in older versions. These updates are essential for protecting your website from malicious attacks.
  • Improved Performance: Newer versions may boast performance optimizations, leading to faster website loading times, which can improve user experience and SEO ranking.
  • Compatibility with Newer WordPress Features: Certain WordPress features might require a minimum PHP version to function properly. Updating ensures compatibility with the latest functionalities.

3. Backup Your Website (Crucially Important!)

Before making any significant changes, create a full backup of your website, including files and database. This backup serves as a safety net in case anything goes wrong during the update process. There are various backup plugins available for WordPress, or you can utilize your hosting provider’s backup tools.

4. Update WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins

While updating PHP is essential, ensure your WordPress core, themes, and plugins are also up-to-date. Outdated themes and plugins might not function correctly with a newer PHP version. Updating these components beforehand helps minimize potential conflicts.

5. Check Compatibility with Your Hosting Provider

Not all hosting providers offer the latest PHP versions automatically. Contact your hosting provider to confirm the available PHP versions on your hosting plan and any specific update instructions they may have.

6. Consider a Staging Site for Testing (Optional but Recommended)

If you’re comfortable with it, creating a staging site allows you to test the update on a replica of your live website. This way, you can identify and resolve any compatibility issues before updating your live site. Many hosting providers offer staging site options.

7. Choose the Update Method (Manual or cPanel)

There are generally two ways to update PHP:

  • Manual Update: This method involves downloading the desired PHP version from the official PHP website and uploading it to your server. It’s recommended for experienced users comfortable with server administration tasks.
  • cPanel Update: Many hosting providers offer a user-friendly cPanel interface where you can easily select and update your PHP version with a few clicks.

Update Your wp-config.php File

8. Update Your wp-config.php File (For Manual Updates)

If performing a manual update, you might need to edit your wp-config.php file to define the new PHP version. Consult your hosting provider’s documentation or a WordPress developer for specific instructions on this step, as editing core files requires caution.

9. Test Your Website Thoroughly After Updating

Once the update is complete, thoroughly test your website’s functionality and ensure everything is working correctly. Check for any broken layouts, plugin malfunctions, or form submission errors.

10. Monitor Your Website for Ongoing Issues

While updates are usually smooth, keep an eye on your website’s performance after updating PHP. Address any lingering issues promptly to maintain optimal website functionality.


By following these steps, you can confidently update PHP in your WordPress website. Remember, a newer PHP version strengthens your website’s security, enhances performance, and unlocks the potential of newer WordPress features. Regular updates demonstrate proactive website management and ensure you’re always operating with the latest technology. So, keep your PHP up-to-date and enjoy the benefits of a secure and efficient WordPress experience!


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