What is Android App Development

What is Android App Development

Out of all the many mobile platforms used worldwide, Android has the most installed users. Over 190 countries around the world have Android-based mobile devices in their possession.

Numerous manufacturers produce hardware that is compatible with it. A software development kit (SDK) for Android is included, which makes it easier to write unique code and put software modules together to make apps for Android consumers.

Many top device makers, including Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony, and Motorola, presently use the Android operating system (OS) for software development.

Compared to its rivals, an analysis by Statistica found that Android has an 87% market share for mobile operating systems globally.

The business known as Open Handset Alliance created Android for the first time, which is based on a customized version of the Linux kernel and other free software that has been around for the previous 15 years.

Because of this, programmers are free to adapt it to each device in their unique way. It was first created by Android Inc. and eventually acquired by Google.

Today, a sizable fraction of mobile touchscreen devices, such as smartphones and tablet PCs, run it. In the beginning, Google financed the project, and in 2005, it fully acquired the business.

The Android OS has undergone numerous version updates since it was first developed in 2008 to augment it with new features.

What Is The History Of Android App Development:

The American technology company Android Inc. started working on Android in 2003 to create an os for digital cameras.

An operating system for smartphones was the project’s new focus in 2004. American search engine company Google Inc. purchased Android Inc. in 2005.

The following list of desserts serves as the code names for each Android version release:

  • Released in April 2009, Cupcake (Version 1.0)
  • Released in September 2009, Donut (Version 1.6)
  • Released in October 2009, Eclair (Version 2.0 – 2.1)
  • Released in May 2010, Froyo (Version 2.2 – 2.2.3)
  • Released in December 2010, Gingerbread (Version 2.3 – 2.3.7)
  • Released in February 2011, Honeycomb (Version 3.0 – 3.2.6)
  • Released in October 2011, Ice Cream Sandwich (Version 4.0 – 4.0.1)
  • Released in July 2012, Jelly Bean (Version 4.1 – 4.3.1)
  • Released in October 2013, KitKat (Version 4.4 – 4.4.4)
  • Released in November 2014, Lollipop (Version 5.0 – 5.1.1)
  • Released in October 2015, Marshmallow (Version 6.0 – 6.0.1)
  • Released in August and October 2016, Nougat (Versions 7.0 and 7.1.0 – 7.1.2)
  • Released in August and December 2017, Oreo (Versions 8.0 and 8.1)
  • Released in August 2018, Pie (Version 9.0)

What Does An Android App Developer Do?

An Android Developer tasked with designing and producing apps for Android-based devices is known as an Android developer. They produce a lot of Java-based Android apps.

An android developer for Android gadgets and the Google Play Store creates software and applications.

The developer is in charge of several duties, such as software creation, comprehending how users interact with the application, and creating the user interface for the device.

An Android developer is a job with little experience but considerable competence. Apps made by this software developer are downloaded on Android tablets and smartphones. They frequently work for big businesses or an app development firm directly.

They are accountable for the following:

  • Android app creation for the Android operating system
  • Creating top-notch code for approved wire frames and designs
  • Determining user needs and including new features
  • Observing changes in the industry
  • Bugs are troubleshot to reduce or eliminate them
  • Utilize third-party APIs

Through 2024, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for software developers, which includes Android developers, is anticipated to increase by 17%.

Android Developer

What Are The Skills Of An Android Developer?

An Android developer can create apps using Java, Kotlin, or both at once.

He must know the fundamental ideas behind either or both of these programming languages, including their syntaxes and foundations, frameworks for collections, concurrency and multithreading, generics, and functional programming.

The following list of 10 qualifications will help you flourish as an Android developer:

  1.      Android UI
  2.      Android foundations
  3.      Android Testing
  4.      Android interactivity
  5.      Firebase on Android
  6.      Notifications
  7.      Working with data
  8.      Implementing navigation
  9.      Android security
  10. Git: Version control system

Why Is Android Development Important?

Using the Android platform, mobile applications of all kinds are created by Android developers. They create the applications we use on our smartphones and tablets as one of their primary tasks.

The creation of apps helps businesses reach markets through social media platforms, Blackberry, Google Play, and the Apple App Store.

Apps can also send information to users, evaluate features, offer discount codes, and make mandatory notifications.

They frequently collaborate with cross-functional teams to create better apps with fewer issues.

Creating an Android app can help a firm attract more clients, boost sales, enhance its brand image, and generate a devoted following of clients.

What Is The Difference Between Android And IOS?

Software programmers sometimes need help deciding to develop for Android versus iOS. Although the architecture of the two systems is identical, their development and maintenance strategies are different.

A different system may be designed and marketed differently based on its development, but it may also be different based on its development.

The most significant technical differences exist between Android and iOS development. Programming languages, testing techniques, and other features vary between platforms.

On a technological level, the following are the most typical distinctions between developing apps for iOS and Android:


Android and iOS use touchscreen interfaces, providing similar features, including swiping, tapping, and pinching to zoom.

In contrast to iOS, Android’s OS functions more like a PC because it is mostly Linux-based and open-source. The reason is that Android allows total customization of its public interface and functionalities, unlike iOS.

Development Costs:

The price of developing an Android and iOS app differs significantly. Since XCode is mostly used for iOS app development, you will need a Macbook or iMac to operate it, increasing your entire cost.

The benefit of developing Android apps is that you can do it on any regular PC, significantly reducing costs.

Publishing Process Time:

Another thing to consider is the procedure for uploading your software to an online store.

 In contrast to iOS, where there are more obstacles to overcome before your software is made available, Android app development enables you to upload your program swiftly and easily.

Another advantage of using Android is that you can beta-test your app before releasing it to the public to get user input. Time truly is money, as they say.

Programming language:

The platforms for developing Android and iOS are different. Although Swift or Objective C are needed to create iOS Native apps, Android apps can also be produced using Java or Kotlin.

As a result, the developer needs an entirely distinct set of abilities to handle app creation for each platform efficiently.

User Engagement:

When deciding whether to design an app for iOS or Android, you should definitely bear in mind the importance of having a large user base.

You want consumers of your software to use it frequently. Android takes the lead because its app users are often more active than iOS apps.

Market Share:

The enormous selection of Android apps available for download is another appealing selling feature of Android compared to iOS.

Android dominates iOS, which has about 2 million apps available, with over 2.6 million apps.

Just visit the Google Play store to see the enormous selection of apps, ranging from fun interactive games to tools for daily life, fitness, and business.

Additionally, the majority of the apps are available for no additional cost. What’s not to enjoy about it?

In conclusion, the robust customer demand for Android apps in the expanding portable device industry bodes well for the platform’s future.

Its enormous appeal as a remarkably flexible app development platform is why many large and small businesses are implementing its technology.

While most customers choose between iOS and Android gadgets based on personal taste, you, as a business owner, are in a different position.

Therefore, you must conduct thorough research before deciding which app development platform will best meet your company’s objectives.

Professional Android Developer

Why Would You Need To Employ A Professional Android Developer?

It has been established that 1 in 5 mobile app users give up after just one use. The demand for Android app developers in this day and age is easily understandable.

So, if you want to stay competitive, creating a cutting-edge Android app for your company is the best course.

It will not only raise the prestige of your company, but it will also keep your customers happy and using your services.

Hire a mobile developer with experience, as they know the challenges in creating effective applications for this platform.

Hiring mobile developers will lessen project risk factors and the cost of damages.

You might need to engage a skilled Android developer for a variety of reasons, including:

  • To support the development of your app with a committed and customer-centered approach.
  • To implement innovation and the newest ways for developing mobile applications.
  • To obtain specialized knowledge of current user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design trends.
  • Possess access to cutting-edge tools and technology to produce more durable, scalable, and adaptable apps that will continue to provide long into the future.
  • To prevent any data breaches, ensure that your app has the greatest level of safety and security.
  • Ensuring cross-platform compatibility, so your program runs without issues across numerous platforms.
  • Create a mobile app for your business to increase brand awareness and simplify online access for customers.

What Does It Cost To Employ A Skilled Android Developer?

The cost of hiring a top Android developer to construct it may be something you’re interested in learning.

It cannot be easy to calculate the cost of hiring a developer. Android developer wages vary depending on a person’s level of expertise (junior, middle, or senior), professional background, place of residence, employer, and other factors.

Examine the hourly averages for senior Android developers in Ukraine, the United States and Western Europe, and India.

  • India – $8-10
  • The United States and Western Europe – $100-200
  • Ukraine – $30-90

Some factors to take into account that may have an impact on the final cost are:

Project Delivery Schedule:

Do you anticipate finishing your project quickly or slowly? Remember that the time it takes to design an app can change depending on the required features.

Development Team Technical Competence:

You must specify the abilities you require in a developer. Do you need familiarity with server-side scripting or knowledge of UX and UI? What about security elements such as two-factor authentication? You will need to pay more money the more abilities you need.

The Project’s Scope And Level Of Difficulty:

By defining your project’s overall requirements, you can avoid complications along the road and stay within your budget. Ascertain whether your project needs sophisticated features like API integration or technological development.

Pricing Structure Of The Developer:

Their level of expertise greatly influences the cost of a developer. For instance, a beginner Android developer might bill $15 or more per hour, while a more experienced Android developer might bill up to $35 per hour. Everything depends on what you need to be accomplished.

Where The Developer Is Located:

The rates a developer charges are significantly influenced by their geographic location. Therefore, if you’re considering hiring a freelance developer from North America, the United Kingdom, or Australia, you should be prepared to spend the highest fees overall compared to a developer from Eastern Europe, Asia, or India.

Despite this, choosing the least expensive choice does not imply getting better work because cheaper is only sometimes better when it comes to costs.

Hourly Rate vs Fixed Price:

You will also undoubtedly have to decide whether to engage a developer hourly or based on a predetermined fee structure.

The pros and cons of each are both present. Not being able to estimate the full cost of your project before you start is one of the key issues with hourly pricing for app development.

As a result, an open-ended price structure may add up to a lot of money. However, a fixed pricing contract’s more straightforward cost structure may make it more tempting.

On the other hand, hourly rates allow greater flexibility because you pay as you go, whereas fixed price structures may put the quality of your work at risk.

Ultimately, you get to make the decision based on your comfort level. You may find the best talent and most experienced Android developers worldwide by hiring one through any online platform.

The additional benefit of hiring a skilled developer online is that you may agree on a fixed price or hourly fee upfront without any unwanted surprises.

Hire An Expert Android Developer

How Do I Hire An Expert Android Developer?

Mobile application development requires specific abilities, backgrounds, and understanding.

App developers should be knowledgeable about business demands and technically skilled to create an app that makes money by addressing particular company objectives.

You have two options for finding remote Android developers: leverage online job boards or collaborate with staffing firms.

You can hire a specific contractor or the full Android development team on the open market for a few hours.

We must employ the best Android app development business with skilled developers to create a market-focused Android app.

Let’s look at some suggestions for selecting the ideal group of Android app developers for your company:

  1. Find a skilled group of Android App Developers
  2. Don’t put the cost as your only concern
  3. View the developer’s previous projects.
  4. Adequate familiarity with open-source platforms
  5. Establish Contact With Former Clients
  6. It Is Required To Sign NDA And Privacy Agreements
  7. Ask About The Development Team
  8. Talk about the post-developmental tasks and support.


In conclusion, Android Development is the best way to develop apps. An Android developer is a person who works on the development of apps.

Developers spend a lot of money on making an app, but it depends on the nature of the project.

Developers use different computer languages to work on different apps. To hire a good developer, search manually, talk to them, be clear about everything, check out their previous work, and ask them for their location.

Their cost depends on their skills or the project provided to them. The development of Android is completely different from ios.

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