Why Are There Never Any Bugs?

Why Are There Never Any Bugs?


Although it is difficult to accept, developers must adhere to the principle that you can only write code with errors on your first attempt. Not a hypothesis since there are exceptions to everything we’ll say in this essay, but we still want to calm everyone down and explain why flaws in code exist and why this is okay for the working process. Such comments are common in programming; some are only jokes, but other unmistakable guidelines directly affect growth. Other forum users shouldn’t be startled by acronyms like KISS or POLA. As a result, programming guidelines were developed to prevent this from happening. Let’s examine why we are perpetually plagued by bugs using the laws of technical life experience.


What Are Deadlines And Their Causes In Bugs?

In line with Brooks’ Law:

“Adding people at a later stage of development will cause the project’s completion to be further delayed.”

Brooks lists the primary explanations for why it operates in this manner as follows:

“It takes time for new project participants to start producing. The cost of communication rises as the population grows. A highly divisible task, like cleaning hotel rooms, can be completed more quickly by adding more personnel, but only until they start to impede one another.” Therefore, if you decide to expand the team to hasten the release of a nearly finalized version, think twice.

There are various cases, of course: When considering whether a task can be divided, Brooks suggests paying attention to its kind. By tradition, nine janitors will gather leaves before one (so long as they don’t get in the way of the other nine), but nine women won’t give birth in a month. It is typically possible to share software development. The process will take longer since the old participants will need more time to teach the new ones and make mistakes because the new individual will start producing later. Another thing to note is that only projects whose delivery is truly delayed are subject to this regulation. If we are discussing overly pessimistic estimates and timelines, then it is clear that the issue is not with the team or productivity but rather with poor planning.

The ninety to ninety rule is devoted to planning; it states that the first 90% of the code is performed in the first 90% of the time, and the last 10% is written in the remaining 90%. The rule is humorous, but it effectively conveys two truths: individuals frequently put off the most challenging parts of tasks until later, and unexpected events can happen at any time. “Together, it turns out that 180% of it is a reference to how difficult it is to estimate how long software development will take. Due to the nonlinear nature of the programmer’s job and the unpredictable nature of the testing phase, this activity frequently takes considerably longer and more effort than anticipated at the beginning.”


Broken Windows


What Are Broken Windows And Debt Codes?

James Wilson, a political scientist, and George Kelling, a criminologist, developed the notion of broken windows. If only one of the house’s windows is damaged, a replacement should be installed. Eventually, all of them would be gone. They frequently cite this thesis to support any opinions they may have, but it is also frequently refuted. Technical debt or code debt is a comparable idea in programming. If the code is not instantly optimized (which takes time, resources, etc.), apathy will grow, the easiest solutions will be chosen, and as a result, there will be code that smells and is urgently in need of restructuring.

Remember Kernighan’s rule, which states that developing code is twice as tough as debugging. 

Because of this, if you wrote the most sophisticated code possible, you cannot debug it on your own. Lyubarsky’s law of cybernetic entomology states that there is always another bug.




Experience And How It Influences Work

The technological field has been around for a while. Because there are so many ideas and laws, we may put them into acronyms and remember them while working.

D.R.Y. = Don’t Repeat Yourself:

Each item of information must have a single, authoritative, clear representation within the system, according to a fundamental principle and a slogan used frequently by developers. Clean code and refraining from constant copying and pasting are beneficial, but it’s also crucial to comprehend and consider the context. The acronyms W.E.T.—”Write Everything Twice” and “We Enjoy Typing”—are used in jest to refer to violations of the DRY principle. Nothing is added at all.

Advantages of keeping a DRY code:

  • Maintainability: If you need to update the code later, it would be easier to modify one logic, which would then apply to other items. Because you identified the logic that would make more material, changing the material in that logic would be simpler.
  • Readability: The codes are simple to understand.
  • Could be reused: It is possible to reuse previously developed logic because identical operations are carried out in both cases. It is one of the advantages.
  • Charge: This programming is concerned with keeping time and money secure.
  • Testing is simpler because you don’t have to specify configuration and testing functions for every function. However, you’ll perform more unit tests on the W.E.T. code.


P.O.L.A. = Principle of The Least Astonishment:

According to the principle of least surprise, a function with a highly unexpected element may need to be rewritten. In other words, the user should be okay with how the pieces behave. Both software development and interface design can benefit from this.

Y.A.G.N.I. = You Ain’t Gonna Need It:

You do not have to enroll a system in the program if it lacks a specific ability (even if you want to). 

At one point in the development process, adding more features won’t cause any issues, they’ll be necessary down the road, and they’re not unnecessary. The product eventually becomes overly complex, resource-intensive, and bloated due to the lost time for testing, documenting, and implementing these functions. Moreover, one same design can result in twelve more.

K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple, Stupid:

No matter how clever the developer may be, for the end user, clarity is more important than anything else. The product will be more widely used and consequently more useful if it is simpler. This idea now mostly pertains to creation and design, but Kelly Johnson, an aviation designer, is the author. The aeroplanes he designed were intended to be repaired on the spot by mechanics with basic skills.

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